Are Thoresen (Tierarzt)

Are Thoresen (Tierarzt)

Are Thoresen ist ein europaweit bekannter norwegischer Tierarzt und Akupunkteur. Er ist durch seine ganzheitlichen und innovativen Therapieansatze in Fachkreisen hoch geschätzt.

Are Thoresen unterrichtet in deutsch.

Nachfolgend seine Vita in englischer Ausfertigung.

·        Born ………………………………………………………….. 1952

·        Highschool Sandefjord ………………………..1968-1971

·        Agricultural school ……………………………………… 1971-1972

·        Homöopatic education …………………………………1978-1980

·        Veterinary highschool ………………………………….1972-1979

·        Human acupuncture education ……………………..1980-1981

·        Veterinary acupuncture diploma …………………..1989

·        Veterinary Osteopatic education ………………2000-2001

·        Founded SSHH ……………………………….2002

·        Cancer research ………………………………1984-2009

During Veterinary school I studied human homöopathy at Arcanum in Gothenborg, Sweden.

After Vet-school I practised 6 months in a country practise in western Norway, mostly cows and sheep.

In 1980 I started to study human acupuncture under Dr. Georg Bentze in Oslo, Norway.

In 1980 I also started to study Antroposophical medicine in a group of doctors situated at Vidaraasen in Norway.

I worked 3 years in northern Norway occupied mostly with food-hygiene, slaughter control and bacteriology. Besides this I took part in the general weekend-practise (working every 2-3 weekend), ran a 2 evenings a week small animal practise and finally a one evening a week human practise with acupuncture, anthroposophic medicine and homöopathy.

Since 1981 I run a holistic private practise with both horses, small animals as well as humans in Sandefjord, Norway.

I organised the first Scandinavian course in veterinary acupuncture 1988-89 in Oslo, and was also the main organiser of the 1993 world congress of veterinary acupuncture in Tromsö, Norway.

I organised and lectured as only lecturer in the first full IVAS-education for veterinary students in the world. This was held at the veterinary school of Oslo in the years 1997-98.

I have published 26 articles (see under).

Local lectures, articles and courses are given in great number.

I have lectured at 5 International congresses.

In 1984 I started to treat cancer patients, both human and animals, and this practise resulted in several articles investigations not published.

12 anti cancer peptides were found in the blood of patients after acupuncture treatment against cancer, but these 12 peptides are not patented.

2000 I studied veterinary equine osteopathy under DO Pascal Evrard, finished 2001.

2002 my x-wife and I started “Scandinavian School of Holistic Horse-therapy” (SSHH), which have been very successful, and 100 students are under or have been graduated.

In 2004 I bought, together with my x-wife Annica, a farm. Here we opened in 2009, a private clinic for both humans, dogs and horses, plus a lecture room for the school, a total of 500 m2 .

In 2010 we opened a rehabilitation center for horses.

In 2011 I left the farm, and am now situated in Sandefjord, with a human- and a dog-practise.


 1.      Thoresen A. (1984). Acupuncture and veterinary medicine, an outline. Norwegian Veterinary  Journal 96:5.

2.      Thoresen A. (1985). The French school in veterinarian acupuncture. Norwegian Veterinary Journal 97, 5

3.      Antroposofisk veterinærmedisin, en mulighet. Herba 1986, ISSN 0800-5419

4.      Thoresen A. (1989). Der Mensch als Vermittler zwischen Kosmos und Tier. Kosmos und Erde, 2: 2‐4

5.      Thoresen A. (1989) Equine Acupuncture based on twelve points; an effective diagnostic and therapeutic method for veterinarians with no acupuncture knowledge. American Journal of Acupuncture, 17:160‐170.

6.      Thoresen A. (1994). Equine Ting‐Zone therapy. Veterinary acupuncture, Schoen 5,565 – 579.

7.      Thoresen A. (1995). Acupuncture treatment of equine sarcoid. Norwegian Veterinary Journal, 107, 963‐964

8.      Thoresen A. (1995). Akupunktur und Tumortherapie. Zeitschrift für Ganzheitliche Tiermedizin, 10, heft 2,44‐46

9.      Thoresen A. (1999). Verifizierung von Akupunkturerfolgen. Zeitschrift für Ganzheitliche Tiermedizin 13:20‐21

10.   Thoresen A. (1999). Akupunktur am Kronsaum des Pferdes. Zeitschrift für Ganzheitliche Tiermedizin, 13:7‐9

11.   Thoresen A. (1999). Alternative veterinary medicine in Norway. Helsehåndboka, Faun forlag, side 65‐73.

12.   Thoresen A. (2002). Equine Ting‐Point therapy and Thoresens Coronary Band Therapy. Veterinary Acupuncture, ancient art to modern medicine. Mosby, page 489 – 501.

13.   Thoresen A. (2002). Medical treatment of eczema in 12 Chow‐chow dogs with sulphur medicinalis. Norwegian Veterinary Journal, 114: 783‐784

14.   Thoresen A. Homøopati i Sykepleien. Tidsskriftet Sykepleien Nr. 21b, 2002, side 33-34

15.   Thoresen A. (2003). Homeopathy and acupuncture – New understanding of the clinical effect. Norwegian Veterinary Journal, 3: 176‐177

16.   Thoresen A. (2003). Ein Beitrag zur Erklärung des klinischen Effekts von Homöopathie und Akupunktur. Zeitschrift für Ganzheitliche Tiermedizin 2003, 17: 75‐78

17.   Thoresen A. Poppel. Alternativt nettverk, 2003, Nr. 5, side 84-88

18.   Thoresen A. (2004). Hair sample analysis from horse ‐ a critical study. Zeitschrift für Ganzheitliche Tiermedizin 2004, 18: 26‐30 (also published in; Ridsport – Ridesport)

19.   Thoresen A. (2004). Wie ist er möglich, gute klinische Ergebnisse zu erzielen, auch wenn die Diagnose falch bzw die therapeutische Methode illusorisch ist? Zeitschrift für Ganzheitliche Tiermedizin 2004, 18: 111‐113

20.   Thoresen A. (2003). Klinische Zwischenergebnisse meiner Studien über Akupunktur bei der Krebsbehandlung: Notizen aus meiner Sammlung von Fallbeispielen. Zeitschrift für Ganzheitliche Tiermedizin 2003, 17: 159‐163

21.   Thoresen A. (2005). Der chinesische Weg der Pulsbeurteilung. Zeitschrift für Ganzheitliche Tiermedizin 2005, 19: 11‐15.

22.   Thoresen A. (2005). Der holistische Gedanke – Gemeinsamkeiten von Akupunktur und Homöopathie. Zeitschrift für Ganzheitliche Tiermedizin 2005, 19: 112‐115

23.   Thoresen A. (2005). Antroposophische Konzepte für eine menschliche medizin für Tiere. Zeitschrift für Ganzheitliche Tiermedizin 2005, 19: 148‐151

24.   Thoresen A. (2008). Akupunktur bei equinem Sarcoid. Zeitschrift für Ganzheitliche Tiermedizin 2008, 22: 99‐102

25.   Thoresen A. (2010). Intrameridiane Qi-Übertragung nach Traumata. Zeitschrift für Ganzheitliche Tiermedizin 2010, 24: 8‐10

26.   Thoresen A. (2010). Placebo som behandlingsform. Argument #2/2010/s.56, ISSN 1504-6087

27.   Thoresen A. (2016). Encountering Positive and Negative Entities induced by Psychedelic substances during travels in other dimensional realities. Psycedelic press, London.


·        I have written an extensive book on „Alternative/complementary veterinary medicine“, which is printed in Norwegian and published in 1997. Second reversed edition was published in 2002. The book is translated and published in English, Italian, Spanish and German. It is currently in translation to Swedish and Russian.

·        Together with Annica Nygren Thoresen I have written an Atlas describing the acupuncture meridians and points in the horse. This book was published in Norwegian, Swedish and English in 2003.

·        “Poppel”. About conversations with trees.

·        “/-fold way to therapy”. About the way to use the “middle-point” in acupuncture.

·        “The hidden mysteries of Atlantis”. This title speaks for itself I guess.